APW Logo (with address)-s

Families learning from a Suzuki Teacher are expected to join the Association.


Benefits of membership include full participation in a wide range of events such as:

  • Workshops with leading teachers.
  • Concerts where all children can perform.
  • Spring Festival.
  • Pan-Pacific and International Conferences.
  • Regular performing opportunities.
  • A Newsletter containing helpful articles and information on events.
  • Opportunities to graduate — students receive recognition for attaining prescribed levels of the Suzuki repertoire.
  • Becoming part of a national and international community of Suzuki families and teachers.

Membership Guidelines

  • Membership is on a per-family basis.
  • Membership is now valid for the calendar year (Jan - Dec).
  • ’Student’ membership is for when the parent is a full-time student.
  • ‘Interstate’ membership is for when the family also holds current membership of a Suzuki association in another state.
  • Membership is mandatory for attendance at workshops and concerts.
  • Membership applications and renewals can now be done online. See the form here. If renewing, please still fill in all your details in the form.

Resources for Parents

  • A number of useful guides and presentations can be freely downloaded from the Resources page.
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